NCERT Geography class 7 chapter-4
Landforms are formed by the various exogenic processes that do their work in two ways- weathering and erosion. Weathering means disintegration and decomposition of the rocks and Erosion means the transportation of broken particles and their deposition at a different place. Formation of landforms is by three ways- erosion(breaking of the rocks), transportation(transporting of eroded material from a place to another), and deposition(settling down of the eroded material to a new place). For all these works there are agents- moving water, wind, glaciers, ocean waves. The river forms various landforms during its stages- Erosion(v-shaped valley, waterfall, rapids) and Deposition(meanders, ox-bow lakes, flood plains, natural levees, sand bars, deltas). In the case of sea waves, the work is aided by currents, tides, and storms; Erosion(sea caves, sea arch, stacks, sea cliff) while Deposition(sand bars, lagoons). Moving ice is known as glaciers, erosional features(u-shaped valley, cirque, tarn), and depositional(glacial moraines). The last but definitely not the least agent is Wind; which is the most effective agent in the desert areas forming various landforms — erosional(mushroom rocks) and depositional(loess, sand dunes). A detailed description of these structures is explained on my youtube channel-